
Archive for the 'Memes' Category

07 Jul

Stolen from <lj user=”badseed1980″>

Please leave a one-word comment that you think best describes me. It can only be one word. No more. Then copy & paste this in your journal so that I may leave a word about you.

30 Jun

Stolen from <lj user=”bukyou”>

The Assertive SubYou scored 64 You are assertive, yet still maintain some level of submission. You stand your ground firmly most of the time, and are fairly level. You may not identify with being submissive or dominant, and it’s possible that you’re a switch (someone who alternates between the two depending on circumstances and/or mood). […]

30 Jun

Stolen from <lj user=”silvertree”>

Your Penis Name is: Fat Albert Get your own Penis Name

30 Jun

Borrowed from <lj user=”bukyou”>

Bi/Slightly StraightYou scored 7 (-52 being completely gay, 0 being bisexual, and 52 being completely straight) For the most part, you are bisexual. You have a slight preference for the opposite gender, but either gender would suit you. If you are sexually inexperienced, it is possible that this will change after you do some experimenting. […]

29 Jun

Have you…

From . Bold the ones you’ve done. 01. Bought everyone in the pub a drink. 02. Swam with wild dolphins 03. Climbed a mountain. 04. Taken a Ferrari for a test drive. 05. Been inside the Great Pyramid 06. Held a tarantula 07. Taken a candlelit bath with someone 08. Said “I love you” and […]

29 May

Stolen from <lj user=”bukyou”>

You scored as Wolverine. Wolverine is a loner, and a skilled fighter.  He’s got the hots for Jean Grey but a better fit for him would be Storm.  He doesn’t like to follow orders which pisses Cyclops off.  He has terrible memories from the experimentation done on him at Weapon X.  Even though he doesn’t […]

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