The time I have spent with my lover over the past few years has ment so much to me. So special a person to share ones life with. So wonderful and kind and spiritually generous. A person who understands me better at times than I do myself. Someone who gives me strength to continue when I am weak. A person who showers me with her love and staves off all loneliness and emptiness. You fill me inside with all the positive things a person could dare find refreshing. Your the world to me. My hearts yours. And your my lovely little princess dammit. I adore you baby. I am so thankful for all the time we have had together and for what we will have in our future together. Your a very special person. I love you because you are you. I love you because my heart demands it and won’t back down. I enjoy your company like no other. I am here for you always. Your my hearts desire.
*hugs and cuddles you through the long nights*