Presidential Ammendment
It is my personal opinion that America is not yet open minded enough to endorse (as a country) same sex marriages.
I myself am for equal rights for same-sex couples, but is the average american voter? I would have promoted equal rights for defacto relationships and saw that it passed before I would have made such a larger leap to acceptance of same-sex marriages.
I feel that due to San Francisco giving same-sex couples marriage licenses, has given fuel to Bush’s plan for an ammendent to the constitution which will ban same-sex marriage. Given time and the evolvement of American society we would have soon seen acceptance of same-sex marriage in the minds of the average person. But with this media frenzy and a president seeking an ammendment it is possible that the vision for gay-rights will take one large step backwards. The average american voter has problems with sex on tv for instance, why else would a singer during superbowl showing a nipple be so controversial (and illegal). Americans hold themselves to a different standard of morals than some other countries.
Banning same-sex marriages via a constitutional ammendment will assist some closed-minded people to the idea that same-sex couples themselves are deviant and no doubt make it even harder to ever obtain equal rights between same-sex couples at some later date. Also its hard as hell to gain enough support to repeal an ammendent if the thing should pass.
Sometimes the slower path is the safer path. And trying to speedball acceptance of gay/lesbian marriage endangers the goal.