Shaving Part Two
Well I have been shaving daily (sometimes twice a day) and my face is as soft as a babies ass.
I must admit there was much more to shaving with a double edged safety razor than I thought. For example generating the right later with a shaving soap and learning how to hold the blade and how much pressure was needed and of course learning when you need a new blade. My first baby steps into the world of shave geekery.
My equipment so far is:
Razor: Gillette SuperSpeed Safety Razor (Model X3 from 1952)
Blades: Personna Platinum Chrome Blades (USA variety)
Brush: Burma Natural Bristle Brush
Soap: Williams Mug Shaving Soap
Other Products: SkinMilk Shaving Milk, Edge ActiveCar Deep Hydrating Shave Cream, Lander Essentials Cucumber melon Body Lotion (Ultra Moisturizing), Styptic stick.
Today, one great shave, no nicks, no razor bumps, no ingrown hairs, and no stubble, and a face and neck that’s so soft I find myself stroking it often.